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United Methodist Men's Fellowship
Third Saturday of the Month
8:00 am
This spiritual men’s group meets monthly for breakfast (8 a.m. on the third Saturday). They also assist with special events at the church and in the community. Men of all ages are invited to participate.
New Beginnings Sunday School Class
Room 14
Our New Beginnings group is open to all adults, both young and old attend this class. It is centered around topical studies and deals with real-life issues faced by most adults in today’s society. You are invited to join in our discussions and discover the timeless principles of God’s Word as they relate to today’s fast-paced and often hectic demands.
Wesley Fellowship Sunday School Class
Prayer Room
This adult Bible Study series uses the Sunday School material from Cokesbury, set in a lecture and discussion format, is both challenging and interesting. It will take you on a spiritual adventure into the Scriptures, with a chance for interactive participation and wonderful fellowship.
Adult Bible Study Class
This group meets during the traditional service hour, studying a variety of books of the Bible, Christian books and topical studies that are relevant to every day life. Childcare is provided by contacting our children’s ministry director.
Adult Bible Study Class
This group meets on Tuesday mornings in a very casual setting, also studying a variety of Books of the Bible, Christian books and topical studies relevant to every day life.
Crafty Ladies
9:30am to noon
Fellowship Hall
Members of this group enjoy fellowship while they work on craft projects all year round. They sponsor a Craft Fair on the second Saturday of October each year, as well as a spring craft fair prior to Easter. Proceeds generously go to support various missions.
Secret Sisters
This group, which holds select scheduled events after the 11:00 a.m. service, gives an opportunity for women to grow in faith and service as well as get to know many other wonderful women. For more information please contact the church office